BEIER COLUMN: Time to put our fall foot forward


Today's section is like going back to school. There are friends you haven't seen all summer, new shoes to wear and a fresh excitement to keep one optimistic.

For those who have missed sports the last few weeks, I apologize, but we needed time to get away and reset for the 2024-25 sports season. Thanks for your patience. We've been brainballing some ideas to switch up our formula for the next season in an effort to keep things fresh (and manageable). I hope our changes go over well. Don't be afraid to provide feedback.

As we look back on this summer, here's what stands out. I'm writing it down for the sake of history.


My summer kicked off with a number of trips to Iowa for baseball and softball. That time seems so long ago at this point, but runs to places like New Albin, Waukon and Monona and really helped kick off summer the right way.


I lost my first parent in late June. It was quick and it was unexpected.

It helped to put energy into his obituary. It was good to read it at his funeral. I also appreciated all the people that took time to show up that day and pay their respects.

Life has been different since. I expect more changes down the pipeline as we enter the fall and winter seasons. After all, he was the one that helped me clear the garden and rake leaves. Now, what?

I'll tack on the loss of Viroqua baseball coach Pete Swanson to this part of the story. Another unexpected loss that impacted a number of lives this summer. It was good to see how many paid respects to him as the Legion baseball season played out.


The weekend of July 19, Logan (Everson), myself and the Buick trekked back to Sioux City for yet another Power Ranger meet and greet. That was the gateway drug to what turned out to be a well-earned weekend cruising the midwest.

We went back to ACME comics in Sioux City to meet Dan Southworth who played the Quantum Ranger in Power Rangers Timeforce back in 2001. We were treated to a 40-minute conversation that covered some of his stunt work, his path to making it to the small screen and his voice acting career for a number of video games.

That was the only thing we had planned on this trip, yet we weren't ready to go home that same night.

We ended up just north of Omaha, NE that night and from there we decided that Kansas was a good place to drive towards.

Our Saturday afternoon was quiet in Topeka  — the capital city — and we toured the capitol with enthusiasm. I love history, so experiencing it this way is always a welcome experience.

We skirted Kansas City and eventually ended up spending the next night someplace in Missouri. That next morning we detoured a bit to visit Lucerne, MO as a way to give my Buick Lucerne something to look forward to on the trip.

The American Gothic house in Eldon, IA was our next big stop. I really enjoyed learning more about one of the most famous American paintings that was created in the last 100 years. Learning about the artist, Grant Wood, and his style and process was my art education lesson for the month. We also played some disc golf on the grounds, so that was swell.

We boomeranged back home late Sunday night. My Buick can now add Missouri to its list of states its been in. Bless that beautiful automobile. He passed the 415,000 mile mark on this trip.

As weekends go, it was quick and it was worth it and I want more of it.


I was coaxed into doing swimming lessons at the Wilton Pool again this summer.

We ran two sessions, averaged 15 kids an hour and improved the swimming quality of roughly all 120 kids.

I was a bit gunshy about going back to the pool. After being fired in 2022 during our controversial summer of cruddiness, I had resigned myself to not being there ever again.

I'm glad I gave it a shot. Village Trustee Jen Wallmen was a big help in making things happen and facilitating my return.

The effect teaching had on me was the same, though, it refreshed my brain and allowed me to get away from all the sports things in order for me to be ready for yet another season on the sideline.


I've survived eight tournaments so far and have a couple more on the list. Melvina didn't get flooded during Frog Days, but the heat was stifling that first weekend of August.

Other notes I'll leave you all with include learning to enjoy weed whacking, hoarding rain water even though we've been graced with plenty of precip, grilling many, many times and saving a couple of turtles by helping them cross the road. They can't turn into ninjas if they get ran over by a truck.

See you at a game.

Nate Beier, summer adventures, Power Rangers


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